Overall a great app and, since the update, a very useful app... Its much more like a harmonica than other harp apps out there… though it desperately needs some blues harp add ons in the next update (hopefully)... Being able to bend notes and get a rawer sound would add to this apps usefulness (maybe add the amplified sound of a cupped blues harp mic, too). People crack up when I put the iPhone to my lips and "blow" notes & tunes out of it… Overall (with a few other .99 harmonica apps and more expensive blues harp app out there to consider) this is an iPhone app well worth the price (cheap) for a versatile and fun musical instrument… that can actually be played as you would a real harp (hold it to dry lips, move iPhone back and forth against lips for note position)… or just use your fingers to trace notes along the playable edge of the app. Its a great idea, well executed and much better designed than the other harp apps out there. Well done. I give it a four star rating in the hopes that additional features may be added. Seeing as how the app is stictly diatonic scale and not chromatic, my hopes are for features geared toward the blues harp player for a future five star rating.
Acedian about Harmonica